Georgetown SDA Church

Pathfinder Registration Instruction

2023-2024 Calendar

Generally, regular meetings are on the first and third weekends of the month- 2pm on Sabbath and 9am on the Sunday.  Note, Induction Ceremony is on October 7th, 11am at church.  Rehearsal on September 30th.


Registration fee: $10 per Pathfinder

Club dues: $10 per Pathfinder each month for entire year (October to September)

Other costs are as needed.  For example, camp fees, trip expense and uniforms.


Pathfinder Club Membership Application

For each Pathfinder, please download, print and complete the application.  Joining the GSDA Mustangs Pathfinder Club of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.


Medical Consent & Release Form

As required by the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, please download, print and complete the form.  Church Name is Georgetown SDA Church and the Club Name is Mustangs.  For area, check CTX and North.


Uniform Checklist

Uniforms are required.  Please download, print and indicate your need in the checklist.    These purchases may be coordinated as a  club or please purchase them at AdventSource.


Submit the application, form and the checklist  to the Pathfinder Director at Georgetown SDA Church.  Follow club payment instructions to pay registration fee and dues.